
Showing posts from July, 2020

3 Strategies to Reform Your Thoughts

3 Strategies to Reform Your  Thoughts What is a thought? Our mind is the most brilliant computer. As you go about your daily routine there is a programme constantly running in the background. Even while you are asleep your brain is busy and creating thoughts.  Our brain takes in and uses information and comes out with results. You are constantly taking in and assessing information, making assumptions and reaching conclusions. Thoughts can be constant - and can take over - until we learn control and direction. Why do we need thoughts? Thoughts are useful for current assessment, problem solving and for planning of the future. Through thoughts we create choices and make things clearer. From our thoughts come emotions. Thoughts can be empowering and create good feelings. Where do thoughts take us? Often the aim of our thoughts is to lead us from A to B. Start with a thought - process it and explore it  - and reach a conclusion. ...

3 Tips to Improving Your Friendships

3 Tips to Improving Your Friendships What is Friendship? Friendship is a mutual affection between people. A bond is built and there is trust and respect. It is a stronger and more intimate form of an interpersonal bond than an association, and has been studied in a variety of academic fields such as communication sociology, psychology, anthropology and philosophy. The aim is to have a balance - give and take - whilst remembering that this is subjective. History of Friendship Aristotle said there are three types of friendships: Friendship of Utility, Friendship of Pleasure, and Perfect Friendship. In other words, the purpose of a friendship can be for usefulness, pleasure, or goodness. Friendship of Utility  - This friendship is where people love each other because of something they get which is typically useful or beneficial; the focus is what one gains from the other. In a utility based friendship, friends do not love each other for the sake of love itself, ...

What's your fear - 3 steps to overcome it

Do you want to conquer your fear What are your fears, that prevent you taking action? Do you want to overcome these fears? Imagine a life without your fear - What would that mean to you? What is a fear A fear is a feeling. You may have many fears or one main fear. These fears prevent us behaving or doing something we would like to do. Here we will look at what a fear really is, what's behind it and how, therefore, you can get past this fear so that it isn't a problem any more. Why is fear a problem It stops us doing something we want to do. So most often it stops us getting what we want. Think of something you want and then think about why you haven't got it or done it. Is there a fear? Does fear actually need to stop us though. Usually it does stop us, the fear is a big hurdle for us. However do note that we can use a fear as a launching platform. When the fear of not doing it becomes greater than the fear of doing it we are propelled into...

Loneliness (the root cause and its solution)

Loneliness - the root cause and its solution I decided to write about loneliness. Its become a hot topic right now. It was an issue for me for many years so its a topic close to my heart. I am pleased to say that I overcame it. I finally decided to tackle it and find out the root cause. In doing so I found the solution. I am writing this article in the hope that I can help others. What is loneliness For those who suffer from loneliness - you know full well what it is. For those who don't - they start to talk about being alone.  Loneliness is a feeling . You can be alone but not have the emotion that equals loneliness. You know full well that you can feel lonely and it has nothing to do with whether you are with people or not. Being alone is a physical state whereas as loneliness is a feeling. Here we explore that feeling and how you can get past it. The History of Loneliness Many will tell you that loneliness is a modern day affliction. That ...